Taurine, myth or not


Mar 22, 2008
right now i'm drinking a Monster BFC:runaway: and it contains tourine like alot of energy drinks do. here is what the myth or not is from. Taurine people say contains Bull sperm or bull throwup (hence redbull) or containes the same kind of stuff in it, is this true?
It's an amino acid in bulls. I think in humans amino acids break down fats and other stuff so I can't imagine it is much different in bulls...
no, taurine is not bull bile, it is found in bull bile, but is separated from the other elements in bile (which i didnt bother to read what they were).

so youre not drinking bile, youre drinking an ingredient in bile. if that makes any sense at all.
taurine = ta-urine.

i believe it's pretty evident it's the urine of the ta.

fa sho.

Ta [tuh ؤh ] - Known to be a mythological beast inhabiting residential retention ponds in southeastern idaho.


a dead one discovered in a "River Lakes Residential Deveopment" retention pond.
Yea, because the FDA would totally allow a company to put bull semen and bull throw up in a drink for the public. :rolleyes:
FDA, and there has been worse things in food products. Crushed insects for food coloring is somewhat common. As long as it's deemed safe, it can be used.