

May 12, 2008
Hey guys!!

I just got my 4th tattoo!! It's Taekwon-Do in Korean, I am so chuffed so I thought I'd tell everyone.

My next one will be 'powerful enough to uproot mountains' in korean as written in the encyclopedia!!

Is anyone else tattooed with there MA?
Wicket man... I got mine done too.. I got "Karate Kid" tatood in big letters across my back..

Why not post a pic of it..
cool...i got a dragon with ying-yang just for when i briefly did J.K.D. but im gonna get Keysi tribal wings tattooed across my back/ shoulders with possibility of another dragon cos they are wicked However to me my dragon and ying-yang stands for everything thats happened in my life and what lies ahead in my life.
I've got a couple of the triagrams from the Iching,

Chen the arousing thunder above Ken the mountain, also stands for foot and fist.
Be careful... you could very well end up in this thread!!!

Anyhow - have a look and have a laugh!

Ahh... the tricky nature of westerners getting tattoo's in a foreign language!
Nice site Silat.

Is there a limit to what you'll tattoo on someone or where you'll tattoo it? I dunno, maybe the person who got 'slut' tattooed on them might regret it in a few years!!!
Not one to miss out of the fun lol.

I've got my first tattoo this week lol.
Hope Silat Pupil sees this one lol
lisa xx
Not really no. We prefer not to tattoo certain places, face, hands etc UNLESS we know the person involved is well adjusted enough to know what the tattoo will do to their livestyles etc. But other than that, each to their own, its not our place to judge people on their choices.

and lisa, I'd like to see your tattoo too
..I've been contemplating getting "Seiki Juku", which means true spirit, in kanji lettering on either my chest or one of my shoulders. Not sure though when I might get it. If I do it will be my third.

mate thats it at 25% .... Mine gonna be a lot bigger! probably take about 4 hours to do so its not that bad.