Tattoo newbie needs help...?


May 25, 2008
So they come in different colours right, not just green?

Do black tattoos hurt more? does it hurt a lot on the wrist.. the outside of my wrist a few inches away from that round knobbly bone? :')

BONUS QUESTION: how the heck does the blood turn different colours?
Of course inks come in colours other than green; pick a colour, any colour and you can probably get it.

So you ask if tattoos come in colours other than green, then ask about black tattoos? ...Yeah. Pain is totally subjective, it depends on your tolerances, but I've heard it definitely isn't the least painful place to get one. I've seen truckers pass out from a tattoo on their shoulder, but a college girl not even bat an eye at their wrist getting done, so yeah, you'll find out how much it hurts if/when you get it.

Why would you blood turn a different colour? What the hell?
You can get tattoos in any colour, and it hurts more on sensitive parts of the skin, like the wrist, upper inner arm, ankle,foot etc. And it mostly depends on your pain threshold whether it works or not. Also your blood won't change colour lol xD
Yeah they come in a lot of colours.

In my experience, black tattoos have hurt less than colour tattoos. The outline of a tattoo is usually the easiest bit.

And if you're thinking that the blood turns colourful to make pretty pictures on your skin... I think you may not be ready for a tattoo!!!
you can get a tattoo in just about any colour. they are usually black and grey, a black outline with colour.

the colour of the ink doesnt determine how much it will hurt
Tattoos come in pretty much any color its ink injected into ur skin. Different colored tattoos dont hurt any different. The wrist is a painful spot theres a lot of bone.

Blood doesnt change color its the ink thats colored. Go on youtube and watch a video of someone getting tattooed
Well they can be any color you want.

You can even get UV tattoos that are only seen under a black light

The outline hurts more for me at least

The wrist i've heard it hurts, but it doesn't. It depends on your pain tolerance.

What do you mean by blood changing colors?