Tang Soo Do or Kempo Karate?


May 19, 2008
i cant decide which i should do, in your opinion what would u choose?
these are the only martial arts in town
I would always choose the one that has the better trained and most knowledgeable instructor. People get hung up in style when they should really be looking at quality of instruction. To give you an example, would you rather have a Chevy or a BMW. Before jumping on the BMW, you might want to know which car is in good condition and which is not running...... Bad instruction is the same, it is still bad no matter how long you go for training.

Best of luck!

These are good styles, though "kenpo karate" covers a lot of styles. Your best bet is to check them both out personally and decide from there. Take their free classes if they offer one, and you should be able to make a better decision than we can from here.