Talk some sense in to me please!


Apr 8, 2008
Right, so I've just spent 3 1/2 hours at A&E to be told my thumb isn't fractured, just sprained, and not to do any sport for at least two weeks. This isn't going to happen. I have a rugby match next weekend!

However, I do have karate training tonight, and I told myself I wouldn't go, but I always feel crap when I miss training, like I'm not working hard enough or something.

I'm right to leave it for tonight, right?
Well, I don't know what an A&E is ... here thats a TV channel but I'm assuming over there its some sort of medical professional?

look, its pretty simple really. You've injured yourself, period. You're NOT at 100%. You could play, sure. And you could injure it worse. Ever seen anyone without full ROM in their thumb try to do something like button a shirt? Open a Jar?

You're pretty smart from what I've seen here. You've got a fair bit more common sense than the average bear. What would YOU tell yourself?

I took my healthy for granted and I've got the ailments to prove it. They slow me down, make my life "less" and are the most annoying FREAKING things ever. Don't do something stupid for the sake of a game. Life speeds along fast enough and your body WILL FAIL in its own time, thats a given, don't help it along.

You're smarter than that.

No offense.
Accident and Emergency, the department you go to when you need to see a doctor quickly.

Some private hospitals have them as well (for a price obviously) but I'm guessing from the wait that it was an NHS hospital, and the injury was assessed as low priority.
This is the kind of thing I need, so no offense taken!

A&E is accident and emergency. Our version of the ER I believe.

Thing is, I know I shouldn't do stuff, but I don't always listen to myself, hence this thread. Injuries are a kind of trophy to me (weird I know!). It's just annoying. I'm in a crap mood from waiting around all day too, so that isn't exactly helping.
Llama got it, thats what we call the "emergency room"... we're simple folk over here
I can't!

Coma, you're right. I just need people to shout at me to not be a numpty.

Hopefully no one has taken this thread as self indulgent - it really wasn't supposed to be!!
Not at all man. I get so sick of hearing my own voice telling me what not to do that sometimes I just need a fresh set of vocal chords to echo my own thoughts. No worries.

*punches llama in the shoulder and runs... then remembers Llama hurt his thumb and not his foot... runs faster*
Llama dont be a numbnut stay at home "RICE" it .. and maybe you will be fit for the weekend

train and you wont be ....probably another extended stay at A and E will result..

Sit down shut up and get better ...

(Man I should have been a doctor with a bedside manner like that!!!!)

Stay at home and do 200 hindu squats.
Your thumb will be rested and your thighs will remind you not to be so stupid for a couple of days.
That said...I go training with niggles so go if you want. Just no crying when your thimb is totally knackered.

Nah, but your facebook post 'llama is lonely today, cheer me up please kisses kthanxbye' did.

Maybe I should start a thread in Philosophy later called 'Why is Ayn Rand right all the time?'. Then you'll be unable to go to training.
Ha well not training tonight will hopefully mean I can play on saturday.

And Coma, leave facebook out of this!

And if you started a positive Ayn Rand thread, I'd be compelled to find you and force feed you Atlas Shrugged
Stay home. 4 weeks ago I hurt my ankle, strapped it up, pushed on. A simple push kick was enough to force my ankle over! A and E trip for me, thankfully just pulled ligaments, no broken bones or chips of bone. I will be out 5 or 6 weeks! Very sore and frustrating! Situps and pushups are my new friend! Stupid ankle!
Haha that's exactly what happened to me. I was impatient when I sprained my ankle...first day off the crutches I started training again. Hurt it again, then was back on crutches for another week. If I was a little more patient, it definitely would've healed faster.

But yeah, during that time I did more situps than I'd ever done in my life!