T-mobile phones off but can still receive calls if haven't paid bill?


Feb 24, 2008
I'm confused about a situation so someone please explain to me if you can. I called my bf and I think he told me that his family and his phone's are off. They haven't paid the bill yet so they can't text or make calls. But for some reason, he is still able to receive phone calls (his family too).

I'm confused. How am I able to still contact him if it's "off"?
Why would my bf lie about it? LoL in that case wouldn't he just not pick up the phone if I called every time??
Not that i know of lol
maybe it went over there minutes and they still have to pay. or he's lying to you so he can't talk to you. maybe he's gonna break up with you who knows? I'm just kidding.
It is likely your boyfriend is telling a lie. I am a smart person who always analyzes situations logically, and this makes as little sense to me, as it does to you. This could very well be an error of the phone company.

You could have also misinterpreted what he said, it may be that they are cutting his phone off because he/they missed too many payments but it hasn't happened yet.

There is however a way you can find out without showing him you are suspicious. You can call the phone company, and let them know of the error. If he can still receive calls a business day or two after you tell them his phone is not shut off, you will know his phone is not disconnected. Sometimes they will give you more information than they should also, just don't act like you NEED to know.