T-Mobile is ripping us off!! Anyone know any sidekick 2008 hacks?


well pretyy much ive figured out some sites with ringtones and sent them to my phone, but they wont seem to word unles u have web...and man that shit is like $40 im not shure..
ive been trying to get it ...but for what? its just a stupid ringtone. im mean. you can live without it plus i have media player on my sidekick 08 so that enought for me , since i love music...
you're an idiot. the "free" ringtones you download are shortcode subscriptions that i have to explain to your parents every day. if you want to know how to actually customize the sk08 then open a book and learn something about an OS and maybe you'll figure out that ringtones are saved as a header.

btw...it's 2.49 a ringtone. and cry more...making your own ringtones is against copyright law. it's the same as downloading someone's album off a google hit.

get a clue.
You must be the idiot as well as your parents and your grandparents for never having taught anyone in your family any manners. It is just sad to see so many retarded people like you in this world.