Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"


New member
May 19, 2008
Okay, i know this thread is gunna be a mess. Please, those of you that followed my threads try and respond to the "your a lier" posts. I dont need to, nor do i want to defend myself. I know what i've done, many of you know as well. I don't post shit that isnt true. I'm sure many of you have seen my million dollar fence thread, and this wasnt anywhere near as hard.


First, the story about the active powerplant mishap. A few friends from out of state come down to hit up some stuff near me. First we hit up an old camera factory. We parked right out front and my friend hops out and walks up to the front door while we sit in the car. Mind you, this guy is absolutly insane when it comes to the places he explores. Anyways, he walks up and just rips the front door open and walks in. We are all sitting in the car like..."wtf!" Anyways, he comes back out, we go park and we walk back to the front. The building is on a busy road, so we had to wait for the right moment. Finally, theres a moment when there are no cars and as we go to open the doors, he can't get them open. Good thing too, because we noticed a camera/motion sensor. two of my friends argued about which it was etc etc.

Anyways, we walk around the building and find a ten foot fence. After a car passes, we hop over with all our stuff(camera bags and tripods) and walk in an open door. After walking around and playing on conveyor belts(the place still had power), we make our way into the office section. I'm not sure how, but we get to the business of kicking down doors. One of my friends goes "dude, let me get one" and goes to kick down a door. He kicks it and out rushes a hot blast of air, and the door opens to an active office. Im talkin computer, chair, fridge, paperwork, everything. We walk in slowly, one kid goes to the fridge, pulls out a coke and drinks it, and me and one other kid walk over to the computer with flatscreen and try to log in. As hes fooling with the computer, i look at the calender. I begin reading the calender only to realize that the days are marked off that have already passed. March 29 2008 was the last day marked off....and it was March 30th...fuck. I look at jeff, show him, and he goes, fuck....we gotta peace. We grab our shit and rush to the front doors. As we enter the lobby, we see the camera/motion sensor we were argueing about and ryan rips it off the wall....only to realize it was a camera. Mind you, theres a guard watching the cameras constantly(loading docks and such...or so we thought). We peace and head to another old factory, it was lame.

So we start trying to think of places to go now...and all i can think of is the powerplant near my house. I had a suspicion that it might be partially abandoned and when i tell them, they get very excited and we go and scout it out. As we walk past, we see peeling paint in a ground floor window, and being idiots, we automatically assume that means its abandoned, atleaste on that half. The powerplant is boarderd by a large construction site, so we figure that its the best way to get on the property, seeing as we are posotive that half of the plant IS active. Its good to note that active is attached to what we think is abandoned. we walk through the construction site and come to a fence that hangs over the water and boarders the plant. As we shimmy along the fence over the water we start to talk about a game plan. We all agree that no matter what, we will deny anything they try and accuse us of, no matter what. Deny deny deny deny deny.

We make our way along the property past oil tanks, the newer section, and eventually in between the two stacks of the new section. We look in an open window and see all sorts of things buzzing and roaring and humming. we figure thats the active section.

Let me note, looking back on this...i have NO idea why we thought any of this was a good idea.

Anyways, we continue on underneath one of the stacks were we figure we can hide if need be. Theres an oxygen level alarm going off back there, which was kinda strange, but we didnt think anything of it. We decide to send ryan over a wall onto the roof to look for a broken window to see if he can find a way to let us in on the ground level. Ryan goes over the wall, comes back and says "theres a broken window, im going in. If i'm gone for too long, get the fuck out of here". we say okay, and sit under the stack to wait for his return. After what felt like an hour of us sitting there realize how bad of an idea this is, as it was finally sinking in that we could be arrested as terrorists, ryan comes flying over the wall screaming "GET THE FUCK OUT THE COPS ARE ON THEIR WAY GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!"


We all start running back past the stacks, past the alarm, past the guard booth, past the oil tanks, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. We keep looking back waiting for a cruiser or security truck to be behind us.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

We get to the fence, fly around it, and as we are booking through the construction site we ask what happened.

"dude...whats going on?!"

"I was walking past people in their offices on their computers and i just kept trying to find the abandoned section....but then i ran into a worker"

"a worker?"

"yeah, this dude started yelling at me, so i just turned around and started walking back to the window. the whole time the guy is yelling at me demanding to see id, asking who i am, why im there, telling me im a terrorist, that hes calling the police. I start running, he starts chasing after me, and i hop out the window, infront of the guy. The police are no doubt coming we gotta get out of here asap."

"oh fuck."

So we keep walking and we run into some workers in the construction site and they at first are like "what are you doing in here?!" With some quick thinking, we tell them we like taking pictures of sunken ships, as theres a sunken barge right off shore. The guy believes it and starts telling us about all sorta of sunken things. We finally get him to shut up and we get on our way. As we get back onto the main road our worst fears are confirmed. 5 cops go flying past us towards the plant. all on their radios, all going as fast as possible. We make our story, get it striaght, and agree to deny deny deny no matter what. After having 2 more cops pass us going to the plant, we get in the car and drive off. As we leave we see all the cops parked at the plant.

Just read it, its really good.

Pics in the next post form another powerplant, with another story.

Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"


EDIT: Great story, but pictures would make it better.
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

sweet pics?
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

So this story wont be as long, or as intense, but there are pictures with it this time. Basically, this plant is in a super sketchy part of town and a body was found there not too long ago. After a long run and a shimmy under a little garage door, we are inside the beast. the only interesting thing that happened was while up on a stack, security might have seen us, and a scrapper waved at us.

The movie twelve monkeys was filmed here.

these are the pictures i took.








And as proof/legitimization of my storys in general...2 pictures of me in the plant the pictures are of.


Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

I broke into an old mental hospital a few weeks ago. was pretty cool.
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

forget it, im not in the mood to read all that. I hope its good though
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

wow that's pretty sick.
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

Did you have your bathing suits and waterproof cameras? The guy must've thought you were idiots.
good read though
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

nice :tup:
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

Nice man, just read your old stuff earlier, looks like recently youve had some problems differentiating between abandoned and active stuff, 2 in one post lol, good story
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

Systemx29, I really like you.
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

I love your threads.
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

no, haha, jeans and tshirts.

and gnome hunter...i would call it a problem....just a few suprises:)

pics and such a few posts up,btw
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

you're one of those photogramafer people aren't you
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

good copypasta
Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

Awesome story. That Ryan kid sounds like a bad ass.

Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

nice keep the posts coming :tup: