Survivor: Celebrity Edition (Episode 8)?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
This is where the Yahoo! community gets to decide who will win Survivor: Celebrity Edition.
Last time on Survivor: Their was a tribe mix-up. Kelly Clarkson got a Hidden immunity idol. The omaha tribe lost immunity. Kelly and Mariah hatched a plan using Kelly's idol. Venus made the mad and they voted her off using their idol. Will also started to get over his sickness.
Voted off pre-jury: Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise, Joel McHale, Flavor Flav, Eva Longoria-Parker, Sarah Palin, Orlando Bloom, Venus Williams.

At the Reward Challenge/immunity challenge Jeff announces that once again both tribes will be voting someone off. However their will be no challenge and no exile. Because the Hollywood tribe will vote off a Omaha tribe member and vice versa.

So who should be voted off of the Hollywood tribe?
(Chuck Norris/Brad Pitt/Michael Phelps/Jennifer Aniston/Maria Kanellis/Omarosa)

Who should be voted off of the Omaha tribe?
(Logan Lerman/Kelly Clarkson/Elisabeth Hasselbeck/Mariah Carey/Will Smith/Joe Jonas)
Sorry for the lack of detail. This is the 4th time i've wrote this episode today. My computer keeps freezing whenever I post it. And I have to leave.

However next episode will be really good.

Also if you have any challenge ideas please post them.


Episode 9 will be created on Tuesday.