~SURVEY~ There are worse things in life than death...name 3?

1- Being in a coma2- Being psychotic3-Being totally paralyzed to the point where you can't move any thing at all.
1. Your husbands ex wife shows up at the door and gives your husband a great big kiss with tongue in front of you.2. Someone smashes into your brand new 2008 mustang and then runs away with your mustang emblem.3.You run out of cheese and you are dying for a bacon cheese burger with mayo.
being skinned alive, watching your loved ones getting tortured or hurt badly for a long time, or some type of horrible tortue. But i think being skinned alive would be number 1.
1. Best friend refuses to talk you.2. Knowing someone or something is suffering from pain and you can't do a thing about it.3. Getting hurt so bad physically in some sort of accident, like almost to the point of death.
Alzheimer's diseaseDementiaViolently abusive relationshipChronic debilitating painLiving after losing a lifetime partner
Being forced into a group sex session between Rosie O`Dumbo, Ellen Degenerate, and Backtrack Hussein Obimbo`s wife.
1. your heart broken2. being blind3.being abused not having a life and not going to heaven
1. children being abused2. watching someone you love suffer3. not being able to do anything to prevent 1 and 2