Survey: Complain about something. Anything.?


New member
May 15, 2008
I'll go first.

I pulled my shoulder out of place ad have to see a Chiropractor twice a week. It's a constant aching pain, and prevents me from sleeping. Sometimes it feels like Im going to have a heart attack - But thats just my Hypochondria. It's been going on the past month.

I just want to sleep again.
I'm so freakin tired of getting hate mail from 12 year old pre-pubescent little girls upset at me because I said I hated Mickey Mouse or simply pointed out that Nick Jonas takes it up the butt.
I hate it when I'm happily drinking my Slurpee and I get a brain freeze .. Jeeeezus, it HURTS!! :(
I have a cut that always hurts, bleeds, won't heal and keeps me from sleeping too :(