Survey: Coke or Pepsi?


New member
Nov 25, 2011
1. Whadaya doin?
2. Ever been stuck in and elevator?
3. Hamsters are...
4. Fave noodles? the kind in the pool or the ones you eat
5. Pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, or none of them?
6. Love- letter or song?
7. Bus, catch a ride, or walk to school?
8. Chocolate covered- popcorn, peanuts, or raisins?
9. Slide down a staircase banister- yep or too scary?
10. Throw a pie at someones face- yes or no?
11. Been in a hammock- nope or yep
12. Sweet, sour, or no pickles
13. I'm good at making...
14. Homade jewlery or costumes
15. Parlez-vois francias- No, Oui, or what?
16. Biscuits or rolls?
17. get bit/stung by an ant, bee, dog, cat, wsp, parrot, chinchulla, spider, jellyfish, or person?
18. Fallen- down stairs, off a boat, out of a tree, or other... ?
19. Best photograpgh of me is... ?
20. Re or black licorice?
21. Coke or Pepsi?
1. yahoo answerin' and not doing hw
2. nope
3. cuddly but bast****
4. ramen, duh
5. sit ups
6. letter, for sure.
7. bus or catch a ride, don't matta
8. raisins
9. hells yah
10. depends how it tastes. if its nasty, then yes. if not, i'll eat it.
11. yep
12. sour
13. babies
14. costumes
15. Wee Wee mouisier
16. rolls
17. ant
18. off my bed
19. when I look sexy...which is in every pic, no big deal
20. none, licorice tastes like feet
21. coke, brah.
Y!A and listening to music on youtube
Nah, hope i wont ever
Adorable!!! ive had 2 :)
ones i eat
catch a ride
yep, take risks :)
nope :(
cupcakes and mac n chesse haha
homemade jewelry
Ant, Bee
Ehh duno
Phew.... Im done lol
wow i just wasted so much time?
1. I'm sitting here in shock realizing how long this survey is.
2. No, I haven't.
3. Hamsters are... cute. :D
4. Umm, what? Ohhh. Right. Got it. The ones I eat. Lol.
5. Sit ups.
6. Song.
7. Catch a ride.
8. Chocolate covered raisins :)
9. Yes! I love doing that :D haha
10. Lol. Yes :p
11. Yupp. Hammocks are awesome.
12. Sour
13. I'm good at making... love. Hah. Jusss kidding ;)
14. Homade jewelery. Costumes always fail :p
15. Oui, je peux parler francais. Et vous?
16. Biscuits
17. ... Person. ;)
18. Off a boat. But on purpose. Haha
19. I have no idea.
20. Red! Can't stand black licorice. Ick.
21. Coke :)