Supporting Membership Award 2012

congratulations zadd, why no MAP awards though ? those where always fun and there hasn't really been a proper one since the year I first started using the site.
can we at least have the troll awards.
cos wushurichard and Lou were great entertainment
read his recent comments:

also guys.
he's a jedi master now! FO' REALZ!
like legit brah:
Beat me to it!

Never was so much trollowed upon by such a fierce troll on so many.
Zaad has posted a lot of good material on MAP. There have been some really good articles recently e.g. an interview with JWT by Simon.

There has even been a much improved content and rational discussion in Taichi and associated internal arts forums, minus the old cheese sandwich tosh.

However, it will really take a lot for someone to even approach the depth and width of material, served up with humour and good banter that koyo used to post here.

It is the quality of the posts that make MAP as stated by Simon. Billy Coyle's posts are maybe the best advert for MAP and what it stands for i.e. a forum for exchanging MA information and experiences; good, bad and otherwise; in an entertaining manner.
I only trained with Billy once. He was not one for heirs and graces - he would not want anyone bowing before him - just attacking him with energy and spirit - and avoiding his lightening attacks and counters.

However,as we are on the accolade front, I nominate Fish of Doom as No 2 poster after Zaad.
I wonder if this thread was just a way for the mods to get us to make up the awards for ourselves and save themselves the work Second all suggestions though.
There was supposed to be cake, but I think Mitch ate it all...

So all I can say is...


You deserve it!

Just don't wear the mankini too often (my delicate sensibilities are hanging by a thread right now! )