superman v hulk


New member
Feb 23, 2008
ok... ive been havin a long debate with my brother about this...

i said superman would win and he said hulk would win.

heres my reasoning

1. superman can fly
2. hes fast
3. he has got laser eyes
4. ice breath
5. can breathe in space

all my brother came up with is that he will jus get madder and madder until he is the same strenght as superman.

what do you guys think?
Well, if Superman could like do a running/flying tackle around Hulk's waist, and continue the momentum into a controlled flight, and carry Hulk off into space, and fly all the way into the sun, then Superman would win.

'Cause I'm pretty sure Superman can survive inside the sun, but Hulk can't.
i knew he got his power from the sun but i didnt know superman could survive in the sun... intersting
well, its alot simpler than that, in certain timelines, superman kills doomsday, he simply labotamized his ass, and doomsday was far more dangerous than the hulk by a long shot.
apparently there was a comic by DC.. where superman killed hulk by droppin a mountain on him before he got too mad... not sure if this is true or not

who do you guys think will win out of batman and riddick? i say riddick!
id say superman...
i wonder what kind of bs batman would pull in this case... remember he KO superman lol with kryptonite....
I watched an episode of the new adventures of superman a few days ago, and superman had millions of pieces of a radioactive substance in his body. So, he flew into the suns magnetic field, and got quite close to the sun, in order for the magnetism to pull out the metal.
Batman slaughtered superman too, hes won every cross over fight he's ever been in, hes had that inherent fear factor, just about everyone capable of feeling fear has expressed some level of fear towards him.
You're refering to the Marvel Vs DC crossover event in 1997 where fans voted for who they wanted to win between particular characters. In this case fans apparently figured that Superman would win in a contest between him and the Hulk.

Incidentally back in 1981 Batman beat the Hulk too, so much for gaofftopic radiation...
[K][D];979544']how would batman beat hulk? hulk is like uber strong and can take bullets and most physical damage. Batman is skillful with his gliding and weaponry but he doenst have SUPER human abilities. Damn popularity; Hulk all the way.
Superman wouldn't need to go into the sun. He would only have to get the Hulk a certain distance and throw him.

Since there is no air in space, the Hulk would just keep flying through space before the sun's gravity pulled him in.

I agree, fear factor or not, Batman is an ordinary person, but the Hulk is not.

I doubt the Hulk would feel fear anyway.
The Hulk is only powerful when he's angry, so Superman just needs to get him to calm down - or else zap him quickly before he gets a chance to get cross.

No contest.
I'm voting Hulk just because he's never been in a series as bad as "The New Adventures of Superman" (and, no, the '80s series of Hulk movies doesn't count - they were t3h r0XX0r!)