Sunflower Seeds.

where???????, i buy mine at the gas station, and pizza huts salad bar has them, but i dont want to go to pizza hut just to eat sunflower seeds, or salad
grocrie(sp?) storys have them in bigger bags and its just the seed, not the shell, but there not as good.

edit: when school was on, me and my friend had a big bag and we ate them in 6 peroids there were shells all around our desk in every class we had and we didnt get in shit for it
double post, just finished a bag, gonna run down to the store and get some, not that st cares at all
Yeah in baseball season we do seeds until our mouth gets insanely dry then we dip then seeds, it goes on forever :|
k im back, stores close to my house, and Jfroese what leauge do ya play in ? i know your aloud seeds but your not supposed to have dip ? (not that it stops anyone)
You should get FireFox and utilize the built in spell checker. Makes you sound less like a 14 year old.
Love em during baseball season. Every week the team need to chip in and get one of those big team buckets.
Yes. Im a baseball player of course I am. Although I can't have them when I play with my HS because our field is all turf.
Used to when i played baseball, but my sister is. she can't seem to get it down that you spit the oustide of the seeds out into a cup or container when in the house and not just where ever you feel like.