Summer camps near the California Bay Area that are not very active (not a lot of


May 21, 2008
hiking and stuff..)? Me and my friend want to go to a Summer camp together (yes, we know it's a little late to plan out our summer...) but she isn't the most outdoors-y person. Neither of us really wanna go on a lot of hikes or go fishing or stuff like that...we don't mind swimming though ;-). We could do culinary arts or fashion, but we are really looking for a camp that is kind of just like free roaming and lets you do what you want. Our families will be traveling to California together in August and we want to take a few days to a week away from them at a camp. We've searched for camps, but I can't seem to find any. Can anybody give me a suggestion or find a website that has camps like the one I described in California (preferably near the Bay Area). Anything will be greatly appreciated, Thanks.