Sultan married his 20th wife. Does it sound funny?


May 22, 2008
I think it is funny, because word "marriage" has a definite "1 man + 1 woman" meaning in the English language.

Whatever sultan did to his 20th wife was not a marriage, even if they both enjoyed it.

Same goes for homosexual relationships.
if you will notice he had no husbands, sultans look harshly upon men that find female genitalia disgusting.
No. A marriage is a legal contract. Many businesses are owned by several different partners in a legal contract. I don't find that to be funny either..
Actually, polygamy (but not a homosexual relationship) is within the definition of the word, just not in our culture. If I remember my US history (and my school days are ancient history!) that was one of the sticking points that delayed Utah's statehood, until the LDS renounced polygamy ca. 1890.