Suggestions for machina gadgets deck?


Apr 4, 2008
monsters (19):
machina fortress 3x
machina gearframe 3x
green gadget 2x
red gadget 2x
yellow gadget 2x
scrap recycler 2x
cyber dragon 2x
machina cannon 1x
blackwing - gale the whirlwind 1x
ancient gear gadjiltron dragon 1x

spells (10):
smashing ground 3x
mystical space typhoon 2x
monster reborn 1x
heavy storm 1x
dark hole 1x
book of moon 1x
pot of avarice 1x

traps (11):
dimensional prison 3x
bottomless trap hole 2x
call of the haunted 1x
compulsory evacuation device 1x
dust tornado 1x
mirror force 1x
solemn judgement 1x
torrential tribute 1x

reasons for changes too if possible. also, i don't have a lot of money on me, so please don't suggest any super expensive cards. thanks!
A few Gadet decks I've seen now uses Ultimate Offering. You can Spam summon your Gadgets (for life points of course) and summon 3 rank 4 exceed monsters (Utopia, Steelswarm Roach etc). How is Scrap Recylcler working for you? I haven't found much need of him. But I would suggest as well to move Cyber Dragon to the side deck and if you're running the Ancient Gear, you need to put in Gear Town in there as well.

Another suggestion woudl be to run Tragoedia. With Gadgets replacing themselves in your hand, your Trag will usually be pretty massive. I'd replace the dust tornado and something else for Solemn Warnings and add in Limiter Removal. Sooo good espeicially with Exceeds. Pot of Duality can help with some consistancy as well.