Strip Clubs!!! Yeaaa

i wonder if he is lying:dodgy:

yeah i think he is its probably either the fact that nobody gets a boob job that costs more than like 15,000 or that he has his SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL Wii Code in his sig lol

what a desperate loser
Dude you are the most pathetic piece of fucking shit that I have ever had to interact with... you brag about money like it gives you status as a person. So typical of the new rich bastards who just stumbled onto a bunch of cash. Unfortunately for you my friend, having all the money in the world won't make you classy. You are scum and a sad excuse for a human being who happens to have a shitload of cash...

TL;DR: SniperSlayer shows the common traits of a nouveau riche bluffing bastard... :)
ahhh where to begin?

want me to post my 5k super bowl tickets again? or maybe my pictures from the afterparty with Hef? pictures of chicks i've slept with that you would be scared to look at let alone talk to?


your right, it sucks having a 110" 1080P projector screen to play Brawl on, I am a loser..

as for you "Takas" i never "came into money" I've made every dolla dolla bill ya'llllll myself, so im not some trust fund baby spending his grandma's dough on strippers, I spend what I make

want to try to call me on bluffing? i'll shit all over you faggots.
Let this thread die. Nobody cares how much money you have or your experiences with said money. You don't have to prove any of it to anyone because you know they will never accept it whether or not it is evident. but IMHO if I had all that money, i wouldn't spend any of my time on offtopic, that's just me though.
Well i'm just saying there is no need to prove anyone about what you have said in this thread. They won't believe it even if you have pictures with dates/time/names/ect. No need to show how big your e-penis is. No offense by any of this btw. Just trying to protect you from the flames.
Regardless of how you made your money, you still stumbled onto it. Congrats on making lots and lots of "dolla dolla bills", your still scum and a new rich with a distinct lack of class. Nothing you say, do or buy is gonna change that. About the bluffing, I wasn't calling you a bluffer on your cash, I was calling you a bluffer on being a person of status: you buy all this shit to give yourself "social status", unfortunately for you no: plasma screen tv, fancy car or designer shoes are going to give that to you. Its a mindset that you either learn or that is passed on from generation to generation (the mindset is, not the money). Classiness has nothing to do with money but they are sometimes correlated. Note that correlation is not causality, money will not cause classiness, it simply comes with it sometimes. Some people have a shitload of cash without really having the mindset for it and that is an unfortunate truth that you, being one of those people, will have to learn to live with. :)
He's kind of telling the truth. Ask any stripper, they prefer the older people in there for obvious reasons. Most of those old guys just want some company, company from a girl that will take all his money if she could lol.
Nah im just a painful reminder to this jackass that he's a bluffing new rich bitch who finds personal satisfaction in skanks, expensive skanks, but skanks nonetheless
Must not be too rich if he thinks spending $800 in a strip club is a lot. Must not be too smart if he spent $200 on a hand job either.
I barely waste any money on my girlfriend and I'm getting laid.

You guys go on along and waste your money, it's not that hard to get laid.