"street" slang and getting older

Apr 17, 2009
i always thought i was quite grounded, down to earth and a rather modern young man. i know what is meant by most modern slang etc. however yesterday my 15 year old sister used a word i had never heard (what it was is neither relevant or repeatable) before. i am now obsolete

when did you first realise you were getting older?
"street" slang and getting older

The second I read this thread.

I don't feel old even though the slang has changed. The only time I feel my age is the day following a fight.
"street" slang and getting older

Don't take the heat from the mad crazy flavour!

Yeah, feel old now to
"street" slang and getting older

But do you feel that your generation's slang is the only real slang and the newcomers are just a pale imitation? (just like with music, clothes, books etc etc etc)
"street" slang and getting older

Im now worrying about saying things which may be interpretted as slang, just incase i seem too old to be saying it! Innit.
"street" slang and getting older

Timothy, behave! He's quite old isn't he? He looks like he's in his 30s to me. It's like the slang equivalent of my dad breakdancing at a wedding.
"street" slang and getting older

LOL! It sounds funny hearing that from a 21 year old!

Right now there's a 40 year old colleague playing with a miniature Scalectrix set in the office! You're as old as you feel.
"street" slang and getting older


T to the I to the M - Westwood, is living proof that you should stop being a bad G long before you're in your 30's
"street" slang and getting older

I felt old when I went to a concert and was the oldest person there. There is also the conversation I had with a younger dude who thought Spiderbait were a new band?!
"street" slang and getting older

You're just old enough to drink in America bro. If you feel old you need to train harder