Strange man took pictures of my car?


New member
Jul 10, 2013
Okay so about an hour ago me & my brother saw a man pull up beside my moms car and take pictures we went out there to question him and he said "theres been breaking in entering in cars in my nieghborhood and we should check our car" before i could question him more he drove off. We went and told my mom she got a lil worried but she stayed in her room. About 30 min after that i looked at the side of my house and saw a all black car tinted windows parked at my next door nieghbors house, as soon as i poked my head outside they drove off. We stay in a okay nieghbore hood (alot of crime happens 1or 2 streets away from us) we stay in a really small house (rent is up to date) our car is paid off. Also i stay with all three of my brothers ages 18,20,17 & im 16. I already called the police gave a descpition and car color. What do i do from now on?
Take pictures and send those to whatever police officer took your report. Given your ages, it sounds like there are probably at least 5 cell phones in your house, so I'm sure getting a picture won't be a problem!
Nothing you can do. Its not illegal to park on a street and take pictures of things. Until he breaks the law, there's not anything anyone can do.
Ok. If you insist on coming into Yahoo Answers to get advice on something like this, at least ask in a more appropriate forum. This is M&D. Try legal. Geez.
do nothing except to watch out .... you live in a notorious area so be cautious follow police advise