Strange Ebay thread


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Ok, I just wanted to start an ebay thread of strange stuff sold or being sold on ebay. Like this little gem I found of a Dead Mermaid already sold on ebay:

I know it's not real, but whatever.

Heres a picture from the link:
i wonder if the person who won that like cut it open to make sure it was real? Looks to be made of paper machette though
Those look like hamster teeth, maybe it's a mummified hamster in paper machet...
hehee how do you know that thing is big? It's just a close up photo...Or rabbit teeth hahaa
you're kidding, judgin by the teeth it's too adorable to be a rabbit XD

And the size is determined by the length of the grass, unless that's fake as well
lol well then who's teeth could those possibly be?? I'm sooo enraptured by them!
well, i'd say they're mine but then i wouldn't have to keep myself from them piking my keyboard, so that couldn't be it. But maybe some 80 foot bat?
I still can't get past it's's like a train wreck, I don't want to see but I just can't look away!
i shudder at the thought that maybe some very desperate person bought it since it was the most human looking figure they could come across, if you catch my drift XD
Hmmm, odd pattern on the "skin" , looks like a chicken wire frame with plaster of paris to me! It is horrific though, it's a powerful image alright!
Would like to know what kind of person has bought it!!!
I can imagine the scene - "Hello the wife, look what I have bought from that Ebay, let's put it in the conservatory."
The wife replies: