Straight Razors and Shaving Badgers

Damn you Nordic for pointing out this thread, I just had back surgury man and cant afford to laugh that hard. I almost bust my stitches.
Now I know what they mean by the saying bald as a badgers ass.
To tell you the truth I am back at the Dojang. 8 days after the operation. Tough little we are. Badgers that is.
Sorry KC Too much to drink.
I had a dream last night Slip tried to shave my ass with a straight razor
The backs getting better everyday mate, although if you keep dragging me into posts that make me laugh and e-mailing me things like the "Man Song" I swear I'm going to bust my wound open from laughing.
Badger glad to hear that you're doing well after surgery. Easy does it.
In no time you'll be up to shaving badgers!
NO we're NOT!

LOL ... I'm wondering just how many of you guys would trust your woman to shave you with that straight edge razor.... huh?

When you are able to sit back, relax and place your trust into the female shaving you.... it is quite an experience ! (for the two of you! )

Good article here ....
"do bald badgers make for better wet shaves?"
Women get you in the end anyhow. No use in drawing out misery. Just hand them the blade and end the fricken' misery already!

Oh but wait... that's a whole other thread!