stop my dog from whining?


New member
Jul 15, 2008
i am nearly at the breaking point with my brother's girlfriend's dog. she is living with us and constantly whines over absolutely nothing. e.g. she doesn't need to go to the bathroom, she is fed 3 times a day on a schedule that she is well aware of (she gets the same amount of food as our larger ~90lb dog who is fine). her whining habits are annoying, uncontrollable, and seemingly aimless. it would seem that she wants attention, however, even if absolutely everyone within a 10ft premises is paying attention to her, she will STILL whine.
i am in college and i need silence/peace to study and actually accomplish things.

getting a shock collar/smell collar/noise emitter is out of the question as i have other animals that i do not want adversely affected by these odor/noise devices, and shock collars do not work for whining noises as far as i've read.

brother's girlfriend is an improper owner and we cannot simply give the dog back to her.

oh, and i can't just throw her outside, either, because she is "simple-minded" and we live in a region with many venomous snakes. there's also a hole in my fence, so she would probably run into the road and get hit by a car, because she feels the dire need to chase them.

i need to get her to STOP this habit, and am at my wit's end.
1. Wear some headphones when you study or if you absolutely need a few hours of complete silence put her in a crate for a nap.

2. Never give her attention for whining. Try to wait until she is quiet for at least a few seconds before you give her attention, food, or a toy. This will probably take a long time before it starts to work because she has probably gotten lots of attention (even negative) for whining before.

3. Give her your undivided attention for some time each day. A 30 minute walk, a nice long tummy rub and grooming, some training, a little fetch or tug of war- just at least some attention every day.

4. Give her something to do! A good chew toy- maybe a bully stick or raw knuckle bone. Stuff a kong with non fat, unsweetened yogurt + peanut butter and freeze it. Get a toy that you can put her kibble in so she has to work to get it out.

And also remember that some dogs are just more vocal than others. If this is the worst thing the dog does she sounds like a pretty good dog...