Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

Directly from wiki

Many Christiania residents were interested in mind-altering techniques, including psychotropic substances. During the late 1970s 'hard drugs' such as heroin were considered permissible, but this had grave consequences. In one year, from 1978 to 1979, ten people had died in Christiania from drug overdose; four of them were residents there. Most of them lived in a building called 'The Arc of Peace', which was in an extreme level of disrepair. Doors were missing, there were holes in the floors, and in most rooms there was no furniture except mattresses. It was a terribly unhealthy environment and the Christianites became increasingly aware that the situation could not continue.

An attempt was made to cooperate with the police in order to get rid of the heroin pushers, which was something many Christianites felt extremely uncomfortable about due to their anarchical tradition and the continuous clashes between Christiania and the police. Despite the shared feelings of distrust, however, some Christianites felt there was no other way to fix such problem, and supplied the police with a list of suspected 'hard drug' users. The intention of the Christianites' decision was made very clear: police were to concentrate only on 'hard drugs'. This did not happen, and instead the police ignored the Christianites' requests and made a large crackdown only on the hash network, oddly leaving the heroin ring untouched.

The police gave the names of "cooperating Christianites" to the hash dealers, and they had to leave Christiania for fear of reprisals.

Feeling betrayed and bitter the Christianites decided not to cooperate any further with the authorities, and instead launched what was to be known as the Junk Blockade. For 40 days and nights the Christianites—men, women, and children—patrolled 'The Arc of Peace' and whenever they found junkies or pushers they gave them an ultimatum: either quit all activities with hard drugs or leave Christiania. In the end, the pushers were forced to leave, and sixty people entered drug rehabilitation.

It is part of the Christiania mythology that there are no 'hard drugs' consumed in Christiania anymore, but cocaine and speed is found to be among more and more visitors. It is still not being sold in Pusher Street though. The increase in the use of cocaine, amphetamines and other substances has been on the rise for the past decade and is problem all over Denmark. It does affect Christiania as well, but the ban on hard drugs is still guiding the recreational activities in the community. People in Christiania deal with it frequently but are still willing to keep the community open and their values intact.

So in other words a free and permissive city and society found that hard drugs ruin things for all

So you're saying you're gonna send me to medical school and then pharmacy school??? YOHAN - DUDE, THATS AWESOME!!! I dont know what to SAY! I love you bro!!!!
They also have rules in place for many other things too...strange that freedom in it's purest modern form still has pretty much the same rules as the "non-free" world
Mikey, you still have to make your own legal choices even if you have a lawyer execute it for you. You still have to make your own food choices even if a farmer grows it and a cook prepares it. You still have to pick what you want to look like even though a tailor makes your clothes.

Letting your doctor tell you what to take, how much to take, and when to take it is like letting the lady in the checkout line at TJ max pick out your outfits, or letting your lawyer tell you who to sue. I'm not saying you should be able to figure out every minute detail of your medical care, but if you can't figure out how much morphine you are supposed to be taking, or whether you are supposed to be taking it at all, you've got a problem!

You mean to tell me that a guy who looked at my charts for 5 minutes and spent another 15 minutes telling me what to do is more qualified to care for me then I am? I don't buy that for a second.

This is the kind of cut and dry that I like to get to: extremes are bad. Moderation is good.

Actually I have the best answer. Parent your kids and tell your doctors to get stuffed when they recommend your kids take some kind of stimulant.

I'm not looking for answers. I'm looking to challenge your ideas because I don't agree with them.
I would posit that a free and permissive city and society found that drug abuse ruins things for all, and I would agree with that.

I also don't believe in drug legalization as a solution to the problem. I mean we already tried legalization. That didn't work. There is another solution. I just don't know what it is yet.
And you can still choose to get a second opinion, whether to practice hollistic remedies or typical western medicine. If I go to my mechanic and he says you need a new timing belt I can either go to another mechanic, trust the one Im at or go to mechanics school and find out, "yep, dude was right"... sorry, I'll take option number one. People have professions for a reason, its so that I can trust the 8 years of school they went to and save myself the trouble.

This is ridiculous. So YOU're supposed to DETERMINE, with NO TRAINING how much of a drug that can prove FATAL at high doses you're supposed to take? I cant even believe you said that, Yohan. Seriously. You just sounded like the kind of guy that would try dosing his children because "y'all can't trust 'em doctors fer nuthin" and overdose him but then turn around and sue the medical community for not providing the proper guidance. I gotta say, I didnt see that one coming man.

Yes, quite frankly, because they've been TRAINED to be. Look, I deal with this all the time. I write manuals for a living. I'm a professional. Its what I do. Yet almost WEEKLY I have to deal with some yahoo chunking something out in Word because he thinks he can do it better but doesnt understand the intracies and finer points of instructional writing or document creation. In the end all he does is triple my work load and waste his time. My point stands, professions exist for a reason.

I agree with this profoundly. But somethings CANT be moderated and thats where the problem emerges.

I Agree with THIS as well! In most cases parents just need to PARENT instead of sitting their kid down in front of the TV and ignoring them but then being amazed when their kids dont know how to act. Thats shameful. But what about that kid WITH active parents who are engaged in raising their child but still cant calm them; who still have to deal with the outbursts and the aggression and the physical violence that can accompany severe cases of ADHD?

I dont agree with some of yours either but if you're not looking for answers whats the point to challenging? To change my mind? To debate me until I fold and say "golly, you're right?" I'm not invested enough to have that kind of epiphany man. At the end of the day, if we decided policy here I'd debate this with my dying breath but at MOST this is just an exercise in rhetoric. I dont have that large an investment in this, lol. Sorry man. I dont agree with you on most counts but I dont care enough to challenge that time and time again. After all, this is just the interweb amigo. Its really not that big of a deal to me.
If I ever met a mechanic that didn't over charge you or find new problems with your car to over charge you, I'd shake that person's hand and buy them a beer.
LOL!!! RIGHT?!?! In all truth though I do have one. Its a local shop that have been awesome for us. But clearly they are the exception to the rule and far from the norm. Same goes for Doctors. Had a GREAT one but insurance changed so I had to find a new one. The one I just went to see is adequate but I have a feeling I'll be finding a new one soon as I dont like the way this one smells, lol!!
i love my doc ^^ he saved me when I had a severe case of strep throat in april 2009, had an allergic reaction to the drugs given me (clindamycin) and had so many side effects from that I spent all summer literally sick in bed. He saved me and cured me ^^ He's a good man and doctor. I'll trust him any day over me being able to care for myself on that occasion.
Welcome to the modern world Mikey. You can look up the proper dosage for morphine online. You can even get a second opinion if you want to

When you write spec, someone gives you documentation and instructions on how to do it. When you are done, you have accountability. You can tell that you did the work because they can read and check the manuals. On the other hand, doctors are supposed to check your files and talk with your nurses and you and diagnose you. The only accountability the doctor has is the 5 minutes he spends in the room with you.

Doctors can't do things the way other businesses do. They don't produce anything, and often there aren't measurable results from their efforts they can be held accountable for. Doctors are able to get away with a lot more slack then many other businesses. Lawyers are just the same. That's why they call their businesses "practices."

Because sometimes I like to debate with people. This isn't really a big deal to me either. This is my regular level of intensity.
I'd trust the fry cook at Hardee's 10 times out of 11 before the wall street guy! At least I know what to expect & it is less costly to society!

You are getting funnier Yohan!


That was funny!

Doctors!! I know the body of knowledge is contained withing their profession. I just think they are just lazy and they don't always read your charts thoroughly.
Sorry, I have to disagree. The long term affects of alcohol addiction are recovery, jail or death. That's it.

Alcoholism is progressive and will lead to death if the alcoholic does not choose to remain sober through some sort of a recovery program. Chances of staying sober without a program are slim but not unheard of.
I'd say the same holds true for nearly - NEARLY, any addiction to drugs (of which alcohol is a proud member though we routinely forget that). Cocaine addiction can spiral as can heroine, alcohol, pills... thats what makes it all so evil to me.
How about we legalize all drugs, but give the death penalty to dealers. That'd cut down on the profit motive a bit...
Or hand out 50/50 is rat posion and the other crack - are you really sure you want that hoot now???

(yes I am joking)