Statute of Limitations SOL on Cell Phone Debt in New Jersey - 2 or 6 years ?...


New member
Nov 13, 2011
...(debt collection)? Statute of Limitations SOL on Cell Phone Debt in New Jersey - 2 or 6 years ? (debt collection)
Why some one say 2 ? If on all contracts in NJ - SOL is 6 ?

And please if you dont know - do not answer.
There is NO statue of limitations on COLLECTING debt anywhere in the US. The Statute of Limitations applies to ENFORCING the debt in court. According to the link below, the applicable Statute of Limitations appears to be 6 years.
As long as they keep trying to collect, there is no statute of limitations. Otherwise everybody would just wait around and not pay.
6 years . In reality, they will have you in court long before the SOL is over. Expect little sympathy for stalling on the payments.
It is DEFINITELY 6 years in the state of New Jersey. The number of years is determined by the Statute Of Limitations. In the state of New Jersey, the Statute of Limitations for oral contracts, written contracts, promissary notes, and open ended accounts is all 6 years. There is no "2 year statute" for cell phones or anything else in New Jersey.

As for why someone would say 2 years, it's probably because they do not know the laws in your area.
Doesn't really matter. They can still come after you until hell freezes over. They just can't use the court system to get a judgment if you challenge it. If you don't challenge it or if you make an attempt to pay (actual payment or agreement) the SOL clock resets to ZERO and they win by default regardless of the SOL. The SOL for cell phones (not specified but implied as a signed contract) is 4 years.