Started smoking during last trimester of pregnancy.?


New member
Apr 30, 2010
I've been trying to find out info on smoking during last trimester of pregnancy. I quilt smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I also quit taking my Xanax medication required for my severe anxiety. It has not been easy at all. Smoking was a nervous habit I developed. But I have gone without Xanax completely. Now I am 30weeks, & having severe stress & anxiety. I started occasionally smoking part a cigarette 1/2 to 1 a day. My blood pressure is up @148/90. Not on BP meds yet. Occasionally, I have chest pain on left side under chest bone above breast & pain on left side of jaw. I had gestational diabetes but that resolved itself baby is already large for his fetal age. The jaw & chest pain scared me so stopped smoking. What was going on with the jaw & chest pain?? BTW heartburn has been so bad that Zantac 150mg 2x day not helping completely.
I know at the cigarettes are bad for the baby you don't have to tell me. I've been crawling out of my skin because of the anxiety & the great amount of stress that I am currently going through.