Starbucks Coffee to triple the number of coffee shops!!!!

What? No condoms either. Awww, no coffee and no prostitutes ... at least I can still enjoy assault rifles and alcohol in good conscience.
Pfffft, up here in the great white wasteland of Canadia, Starbucks cannot stand a chance against our mighty Tim Hortons.

Here is picture of US Secretary of State being utterly flabbergasted at the fact that Canadians have coffee too.

Don't kid yourself - Condi is on a shopppin' trip and she's thinkin':

Hmmmm... Canada?... I'll take one of these.
That would Gods bless America, and give it's leaders some friggin common sense.
err... last I checked Americans weren't on big homogenous group despite what the English think. Try getting to America some time... you might find it very different than your perceptions.
Preferably with Dick hunting a-fowl ( ) with a 155 howitzer.

Just 'cause I'm American doesn't mean I can't dislike the current administration, even if I have to follow the executive orders of the chimp.