ST. I pulled one of these out of my throat last night.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
So every time I would swallow I would feel something in the back of my throat. It felt like a kernel. So I looked in the mirror and it looked like this.

Not my pic. But same thing.
So I went to the internets and found that pic and read about them. Tonsil Stone. They said just pull them out. So I took a piece of uncooked spaghetti and tried to poke around at it with that. I gagged myself about 6 times. Then I took a chopstick and sharpened the tip and managed to stab the thing and pull it out. It looked like this

and it smelled like horrible breath. (Not my pic)

Tl;dr: Tonsil stone.
I get those sometimes. It's just old food and shit that gets stuck back there. They smell fucking disgusting.
i expected some dudes penis :maybedodgy:

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My friend's little brother said he coughed one of those up and cracked it in half and it was the worst smell he has ever smelled.
was it soft? or at least you could bite into it?
i get those sometimes too. very weird
Wow that's fucked up.

Props on homemade surgery. Shit would have cost you if you hadn't.
thats one juicy dangly thing he's got in the back of his mouth there.
my brother and I have those same exact things. smell horrible, that size, and are just distugusting