Sports Bike... Start off on the 250 or 600?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Hi all. I took the MSF classes and a riding course, passed for the license. Now I'm going to buy a sports bike. Most likely a new one (found it easier to get financed).
Now, I need to know which one would be better for me, a 250CC or a 600, or 650 (I've been seeing a lot more of 650s at the dealership than 600s).

Some info about me:
6ft, 230 pounds, and athletic.
A lot of my riding is going to be highway, but I am also going to use her to go to work 4 days a week, which is a inner-city-15-20 minute drive. I've taken the MSF course and by the time I got through with it, I felt like I've been riding my whole life. I am mature and I am not getting it for show off, so no wheelies none of that stupid crazy sh*t! Getting it because I've always wanted it and I loved the feeling of riding.
So all advice is appreciated (don't really have any biker friends; soo yeahh..)

ALSOOOO.... I don't wanna be on the highway for a 2-3 hour ride hearing the high-rpm the whole way... but I also have been reading about people getting themselves fatally injured, or worse..killed... Is that common? Should I worry about that on a 600-650 bike? Or is that mostly idiots who wanna ride and show off and whatnnot?
okay.... ah ... why do you want a sport bike? Do you want to race on the streets? Do you want to carve the canyons? You want to do to a race track and actually speed legally on a "track day"?

Or do you want pack your saddlebags and cruise on the highways, 200 miles until lunchtime? Maybe get off at work, seeing it is raining, and pull your rain gear out of the saddlebags so you can ride home dry?

Don't want to hear the high-rev on the highway? My Savage's exhaust runs 38 'pop's per second at 70 mph.