Spa sleepover?!?!?! Help!?!?!?


May 21, 2008
Ohkayy. So I'm 13 turning 14 and my cousin is 12 turning 13. And she's staying at my house tomorrow night and she like to do Girly things like nails and crap. But I'm more rocker style. And I don't know a lot about that. So my questions.
Does anyone have any good facial recipes? My cousin has normal skin type, unless freckles have anything to do with it.. And I got acne and my skin has oils according to my mummy. So what facials?
Next question, how do you prepare for a facial? I gotz no idea how to do that.
Next, do you have any other ideas we could do for fun at the spa I'm thowinf her? Cos if you couldnt tell I'm outta my comfort zone and I'm clueless. Please help me cos I'm tryin to make this special for her cos she doesn't come over very often.
What kind of music should I play? Thanks!!!