Sooo my friend had a wierd dream?


New member
Sep 28, 2010
So one of my best friends had a weird dream and this is how it goes:

the dream started off with me playing basket ball with 2 japanese grls... one got mad and attacked me then walked off... the other started crying,I went up to help the crying one by holding her.... i held her on a couch while she cried out.. then a picture... like a portrait came into my head of two people in the same position i was with her... then my mom came in thinking something else happened.... and i woke up

According to him he had another dream on a different day about him playing basketball with Prince but I told him that he obviously saw that on Chappelles show lol

Any ideas of what this dream might mean.I looked up crying in a dream translation website and it said that is a translation of his own feelings but he says he feels ok and not sad at all.....
also what's up with the basketball thing in his dreams,he's not that big of a basketball fan at all and probably doesnt play it either
btw it seems like like It's mine but its because I copied and pasted his explanation