Sooo im in a pretty bad situation.. Tips? Help? *please dont complain*?


May 18, 2008
I know i pretty much got myself into this. my parents are so into and nosey with me. im the middle child. (older sister is like an addict to alcohol) but i had to delete most of my family on facebook and block both parents. but i still have my formspring which they can get on.

and so basicly this is what happend, sorta. I starting hanging out with some friends, just 4 really good friends. 2 are guys and they are drinkers and they smoke weed. me and Emily, never drank so they brought us some booze one night. and we ended up having a blast and started doing it on fridays. aand we even went to one of the guys house at lunch and came back to school smashed.. twice.

And so one day (5 days ago) someone said this on formspring
Q:do you drink? alc.
A:Yup. but not all the time, just sometimes with a group friends.

A:actually you dont seem like someone who would. what do you drink?
Q:Haha yeaa, well its not something i do a lot. and i also promised zach i wouldnt do it anymore. i really only have vodka, not much of a b person

then we went on a three day like camping thing, and my mom brought up the subject and asked if i drink, or ever experimented(i lied and said no). and if the friends i hang out with do it (i told her that the two guys do but me and emily dont), then she said "would you ever do it just to feel cool and fit in" and i was like "no" and she was like "good"
but she kept making remarks about beer and shit when we were camping...

then i come back and the next day i get this on formspring

Q: k you so do not drink your like a little baby i doubt a little niner like yourself or should i say grade 10 drinks and its you so know. And you dont drink vodka if you do your trying to be cool. stop tryin to be someone else your not like ur friend jasmin

and i answered
"A little baby" Ohhh god. mmkay ?
Aha, im not trying to be like jasmine, nor will i ever want to be. theres a lot you dont know about people, so dont be to quick to judge. and no its not something people do to "be cool"... stop accusing

And i can tell this is either someone older because you obviously know nothing about the people in grade 9 now tens that go to our school... better yet, all the grades..

why dont you inbox me next time or even leave a name...

Im pretty sure it was one of my parents. when my mom was asking about it on the weekend she seemed pretty chills but i think if they actually found out the truth theyd hound me down and stuff.
basicly i fucked my self over
any tips?