Sony Home Theater System... (xbox 360?)?


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I been planing to buy a Sony Home Theater System soon, I was wondering If you are able to connect things like a Xbox 360 or Laptop into it???

Here the one I'm trying to buy
Most home theater in a box are not flexible for adding anything to it. It is designed for you to watch a movie with surround sound only. The only system I would recommend is the Onkyo HT-S3400, it is a 5.1 receiver and a set of speakers. You can add anything to this like your XBOX, dvd or blu ray disc player and your tv for surround sound. Sony products are not very dependable. If you read yahoo questions, you will notice many Sony product problems. I has a Sony 32" CRT tv and that only last less than 3 years, also the first HDTV by Sony a 34" wide scree CRT tv paid $6,400 and that too lasted less than 3 years. Two dvd players model 7000 and 7700 both priced at over $1,000 each and that too did not last more than 3 years. They also have a poor customer support center. Hope this will help you out.