Sometimes i feel like ive been in this exact situation before?


New member
Apr 26, 2013
Sometimes ill be like somewhere talking to someone or watching my family or doing something and all of a sudden at a particular moment, ill feel like this exact thing has happened before! It will happen in places I truly have never been, with people I have never talked to before and in situations that I have never been in before. And in those moments ill feel like I've totally been here before, I knew this would happen. Even though I have no recollection of predicting this eslxperience or any full memory of this included experience. Also, very often I will be out and see a scene from one of my dreams I have had in the last year(s) or even many years ago, and I don't ever think about my dreams and often do not remember them until that moment when I see the scene. And the scene is many time places I have never been before or of things I have never been before. Weird. We humans are complex I guess..