Someone answer this riddle?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Found this on a three year old question...but the asker never told the correct answer.
It's not a can of soda.

"A difficult riddle that nobody can solve?
I am black
I am bought everwhere around the world
I am never kept for more than one week
I only have 1 owner
And when I'm done i get crushed

What am i

**Hint** Nobody, I mean Nobody got this riddle. My college professor teacher told me the answer and it made sense so much. All of her 16 years had trouble getting this. Its reasonable but extremely difficult. It causes you to think outside the box. Good luck."
***It's not a trash bag either.
It's not coal either.
i guessing its your shadow, hair, night, an ant, secret, battery, eye pupil, ......?
*scratches head*
i could stay up all night figuring it out but you tell me what it is please....