Someone answer these riddles please > !!!!!!!?


New member
May 21, 2008
I need the answers to the following riddles. (my teacher gives bonus points if we have them all right!)

1. What overpowers you, without hurting you?

2. What question can you never answer "yes" to?

3. When is longhand thicker than shorthand?

4. Which two letters of the alphabet are nothing?

5. How far can a dog run into the woods?

6. A doctor gives 3 pills, telling you to take 1 every half hour. How long will they last?

7. Why do you always find something in the last place that you look?

8. With what vegetable do you throw away the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, and throw away the inside?

9. A man and a dog were going down the street. The man rode, yet walked. What was the dog's name?

10. How can you make seven even?
1. Gravity

2. Are you asleep ?

3. When the clock strikes 12

4. M T

5. Halfway

6. One hour, if taken at 1/2 hour intervals, starting immediately

7. There is no reason to continue looking once it has been found.

8. Corn

9. Yet

10. Take away the letter 's'
1. idk
2. Are you dead?
3. idk
4. idk
6. Idk what does the prescription say?
7. Because you are done looking afterwards...
8. idk? corn??
9. idk
10. take off the s.