Solid Gold vs Blue Buffalo vs Innova vs Canidae Need help please?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I have been trying to do a lot of research on these dog foods as I want to switch to a better food. However, I am having a difficult time.

I read that Solid Gold is a little better than Blue Buffalo as it has slightly better ingredients.

Innova and Canidae is about even, but I read that Innova can be a little rich so some dogs do not like it and Canidae was fantastic till they switched to a new food. They did not tell anyone and apparently some dogs did not do well at all with the new food. Have they switched back to the old food?

So is there anything anyone who uses these brands can tell me about how they like it or why they picked it I would really appreciate it. I just want to get a good dog food for my dogs. Thanks