So, what did you do today?

Woke up 7.54
Played COD 4
Ate breakfast
Hit baseballs
Came Home
Played COD 4
Watched Military Channel
Ate Dinner
Woke up at 7
Ate breakfast at 10
Had pizza for lunch
Watched Shooter in HD
Went to work out, run
Had BBQ pork chop for dinner
Watching Rambo in HD
1. woke up
2. drank some ganja tea
3. went to the mall to get sunglasses
4. chilled
5. toked up
6. all u can eat hooters
7. threw a bottle of piss into a crowd of faggots
8. here

Not a bad day.
woke up
turned on ghtp maxd
went to grandmas
cleaned up camper
got detent rings in mail
walked to moms house
played wii
watched tv
Woke up
Went to DMV
Got my learners license
Drove for 2 hours
Did some Drive-by Shootings
Came home
Thought about jacking off
Watched porn instead was too lazy
Now im here.
6 45 Woke up
7 00 Left for work (Teach basketball at a camp)
3 00 Got off work
3 40 Went to football
6 00 Went home
6 30 Ate Dinner
7 30 Took a shower
8 00 On ST
1. Woke up at 10:55
2. Ate
3. Went to work
4. Got home at 5
5. Ate.
6. surfed the werld wide internetz
1) woke up at 4pm, I had some sleep to catch up on
2)Got dressed
3)got on pbn
4)hung out with a friend and got some food
5)came back home and watched v for vendetta
6)back on here
woke up at 5:45
went to work at 7
got home from work at 6
mowed the lawn
ate dinner
sat around/logged onto offtopic
now i'm going to bed soon. only to repeat this process until friday night
(minus mowing the lawn.)
Froze my nuts off at the CS (calgary stampede) I got forced to go to that shit fest, fucking 3*c or like 35*f and it's middle of July!
1: Woke up at 8am
2: went to work
3: flamed on st at work till 2:30
4: AT 2:31 i started working
5: 2:59 i clocked out and went home
6: 3:45 got home
7: went swimming/ basketball
8: took dog out
9: made veleeta noodles
10: finished season 6 of scrubs
11: logged into pbn/st
I got to do a tobacco check. I work at Publix (a southern grocery store) and my Asst. Customer serv. manager took me and another girl who is under 18 to all the stores in our district to try to buy cigs. If we were able to buy them from our other stores, the cashier who sold them too us would get introuble. We do this twice a year and because I look like I'm over 18 i get to go to all of them. its pretty cool 8 an hours and the manager pays for my lunch.

I kinda felt bad though because there was this hot chick who sold me some and I could tell that she liked me...but she ended up getting introuble and she started crying. I felt like a dick.
haha id have so much fun with that doing anything possible to get the cashier to sell them to me like making fake bribes and shit.
Got up at 5. went to work at the factory.
it was garbage pickup day so that put me behind (im the garbage dude).
compactor broke around noon which caused hell.
got home at 3.
had dinner.
played some diablo.
at 9 i got a soccer game.
Awaken from sleep at 7
Ate breakfast which consisted of cinnamon toast crunch and a bagel
25 Win streak on gh3
Went to the beach
Went back to pool
Ate a sandwhich
Here I am.
Woke up
Went for a run
Took a shower
Got on here to check messages/email/posts
Helped sister clean car and pack stuff for the hospital
Moved some shit around the barn to make room for other random shit
Got back on here
About to go play some Cawd