So what did all this gossiping means?


New member
Nov 15, 2011
1. My mother went to my clinical psychologist whom I had one appointment with to ask what we had talked about and what my diagnosis was (this was a breech for my counciler to reveal, but anyway)

2. My mother told my ex boyfriend what was said, and he had told me that my mother told him

3. He went to tell my at the time boyfriends mother all this information and suggested that I was mentally sick

4. My boyfriends mother starts telling their family, and my boyfriend picks up on this and starts turning on me and saying he agrees with her and even though he doesn't trust my ex that I am all these things that his parents are calling me

5. He and I do not get along and after supporting him and helping him with his career and sleeping with him for about three years he no longer has a interest in me

-Is my boyfriend the one with the problem?

-Am I good to just ignore all the gossip?

-Ive been threatened by my boyfriends father, and his sister dont like me much and his mom talks crap about me behind my back, shes never said anything to me about the gossip, but did suggest that my boyfriend doesn't love me and I should move on. My boyfriend has never said that to me.
You have two problems.

The biggest is YOUR MOTHER.
The other one is boyfriends who are jerks.

I doubt a therapist would divulge much information regardless of who paid for it.
Second a therapist would never use the term "mentally sick".

So the gossip seems to fall in the lap of good ole mom.

You tell her that you NEVER want her discussing your supposed mental illness with anyone
except professionals.
The you find another boydriend.
You're the one with the problem, a boyfriend who doesnt give a damn about you any more.
Yeah sweetie your boyfriend did say that to you when he didn't come to your defense! Maybe not in words, but when he didn't support your side of things. Too much drama from family. Get into a healthy, supportive relationship. Let this one move on and find you another Psychologist. Are you a minor? If not, take that Psychologist to court!