so we HD-DVD consumers are screwed?


New member
Feb 19, 2008
I have been following the format war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD even before the formats came out. Clearly I knew Blu-ray was going to win. I also play games on both xbox and ps. When xbox 360 came out, I loved their line of games over ps3, so I purchased it. Even though Blu-ray had more movide out, I wanted to see hi-def, so I also got the xbox hd player. I was not going to spend $500 plus dollars on a ps3 with crappy games only to get the dvd player. But now that officially hd-dvd has lost the war, I feel now we hd-dvd consumers are losing out buying the hd-dvd products. BTW Blu-ray is better, but I thought hd-dvd was gonna live a bit longer till ps3 comes out with better games.
Unfortunately, it seems so. It's kinda like how VHS beat out Betamax. There is going to be no more production of pretty much any HD-DVD products, including players and writers.