So they make rumours.. what do I do about him?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
A boy I like likes me back and we were talking yesterday night and he says "look, people have warned me off you because you have got with a lot of guys" which I'm not going to lie about because its my first year single and I am only 18. What should I do about these so called "friends" because he wont tell me who has said it?? How do I act around him now??
Infinity.. I am 18 yes, it is 12:50am and I am tired and concerned so dont judge me on the way I write. Just so you know, I have 9 GCSE's and 4 A levels! I am not knocked up and give credit to young Mum's like Stacey Solomon. Thank you all for your help its much appreciated! xox
If he's really feeling you he wouldn't worry about what his friends are saying. You can't worry about his friends because throughout life you're going to get talked about that's just how it is. As far as trying to be with him goes you got to talk to him and see where he's coming from and see how he feels about you. Nobody wants to be with somebody who judges them based on what others say.
oooh i hate when this **** happens. ok you have to honestly just be straight up truthful with him and deal with what he has to say i guess. i've been a manwhore in the past and i have a pretty nasty rep for it but you gotta prove to him that you're not like everyone says and you gotta let those bitchiz knw tht they shouldn't be spreaking **** about you
pretend like nothing happened, just becuase you have had alot of guys doesnt change you as a person that much.
Be yourself. If he genuinely likes you whatever rumors get to him it shouldn't matter to him. He'll still make a way to get to know you and make sure that those rumors are not true.Act naturally. If he likes you the way you are then that's good. If he likes you superficially you don't deserve a guy like that.
Who cares. This guy blows, if he likes you he would ask you out regardless of rumors. He aint worth your time, and plus, this is just a random tip - 10 years from now, nobodys gunna give a sh*t about rumors in high school (and sometimes college)
If you want to believe then go ahead and do it, but if your going to i will not talk to or hang out with you.
If you are 18 and you are using the phrase "A boy I like likes me back," then you need to forget about dating until you become more mature. I suggest joining the military since you will most likely fail out of college, if you can even get in. Or you can chase around boys, get knocked up (assuming you aren't already a mom), and load off your kids on your parents since you're too incompetent and irresponsible to support a family.
There is a lot of life in front of you. Far more than be defined by one guy. Your reputation will go with you through your whole life and it is a very small world. Strange as it is in this world of free sexuality, sexuality is the biggest way to ruin your reputation. If you care about yourself stay away from sex and men. I mean it. At the end of your life you will look back and you will say
"Sex ruined everything"
Learn to abstain and keep that energy for yourself.
You can already see what the world does with it.
You are not with friends.
You are with demons
Anything you give will be used against you.
The world is a dangerous place. Do not lose yourself to it.

You can tell that guy that you think he is right and you are not goin to be with anymore guys starting with him.