So much for the postpartisan potus - why does he continually whine about


New member
Dec 7, 2010
partisanship - than demonize repubs?
during his press conferences - like the one he is holding right now?
SB - this isn't playground or high school games - the man is in charge of our country and half the electorate is not liberally leaning so he needs to at least pretend like he represents all of us .
I am confused President Obama has a democratic majority in both houses why couldn't he pass the tax bill he wanted? Did his own party reject what he wanted?

Is he playing to the American peoples wishes and common sense over his own ideology? What gives?
I would love to see you try and get along with people who call you hitler, or a million other taunts and debasing names, who deface your pictures online, who say that they will shoot down anything you stand for simply because you stand for it. I would love to see you try and get along with people who did this to you personally.
'cause he's a liar. He said he'd be bipartisan because it sounded good during the election. True to type, he shut Republicans out at every chance. Only reason he's even talking to them now, despite still having the majority in Congress is Dems up for reelection in 2012 see the writing on the wall & won't rubber stamp what he wants. Now Republicans have him back against the wall & one thing we know barry can't do is stand to pressure.
Because the man is a hypocrite, through and through.


SB - You say, "I would love to see you try and get along with people who call you hitler, or a million other taunts and debasing names, who deface your pictures online, who say that they will shoot down anything you stand for simply because you stand for it. I would love to see you try and get along with people who did this to you personally."

Oh get over it already. The man volunteered for the job of president. No one forced it on him. He can step down anytime it gets to be too much for him. You think Bush wasn't called Hitler, taunted or had his picture defaced? I wonder if you defended him? I'm betting not.