So me and my friend are still arguing a bit about that patriots and colts game...


May 30, 2008
...from a couple of weeks ago...? and soo can you give me ur opinion? do u think it was a set up game?
While Belichick shouldn't have decided to go for it in 4th and 2 at the end, they did make it across the 1st down line. The ball was spotted incorrectly. I'm not the only one to think this.
I think it was a fair ball game until it came time for the refs to call that play at the end, and they decided to "cheat" a little bit. Because the Patriots had no time outs left, they couldn't challenge the ruling. So the refs could spot the ball a yard short and no one would be the wiser since they only played the replay where you got to see the guy holding the ball ONCE.
i hate the pats but it was a good call, but not for that recorded stats of going for it stuff. 99 out of 100 times you don't go for it unless you are inside you're opponents 40.

BUT, I have this question to ask anyone about the call. If you are a Colts fan, or it was your team in the Colts position...which play would you want the Patsies to do?

Go For It?

or Punt.

You better be darn skippy Colts fans wanted Bill to make the request for special teams at that moment. Alot of "NO! NO! NO! DON'T GO FOR IT!"'s were being screamed prior to that play.
ok ok no it wasnt. but it was a bad desision to go for that 4th and 1. they should have ounted it nad made the colts go 80 yards instead of 20.
To Mighty Mac: Of course I wanted them to punt! But I was totally expecting a run by Faulk. Our pass D is more reliable than our run D despite both improving in the past 2 years. Belichick has balls.

To Patriots < Colts (see what I did there?) Seriously? Put your bias aside and let's think about it. Let's pretend that it was 4th and goal at the 2 and Belichick decided to go for it. Same play call, same execution. If Faulk made contact with the ball and BOBBLED IT at the goal line, and LANDED AT THE 1, guess where the ball would be spotted? JUST SHORT OF THE GOALLINE. Seriously.
set up game? no worst decision an overly arrogant coach has made yes.did anyone else hear the stat last week billichek was 54-65 before tom brady and 107-30 with him. therefore tom brady has made billichek look smart
Bill Belichick is obviously still getting play calling advice from Charlie Weis...... it was legit.