So Libtards, riddle me this...?


New member
Aug 26, 2012
You're all against this supposed "war on women" yet none of you really have any problem with 20,000 Muslims showing up at the DNC for a jummah prayer? Do you know how women are treated under Islam? The Democrats pretty much are saying FORK WOMEN and FORK AMERICA and up with Islamic Masters! What's next, sharia law replacing the Bill of Rights? Are you guys straight up retarded? Do you really believe this pandering is going to sell your platform to the average American? Just like those idiots in the OWS crowd, your party is going a zillion directions at once, hoping to pull in as many undecided idiots as you can. Good luck in Novemeber, you're going to need it.
Wow, 10 mins into this posting and not one Obama supporter can explain this. I'm starting to believe that maybe the majority of Obama supporters are not mentally capable of casting a vote. Also, for the retard that says there isn't any sharia law being practiced in the US, you and I don't live on the same planet and you obviously know nothing of Islam.
"You're all against this supposed "war on women" yet none of you really have any problem with 20,000 Muslims showing up at the DNC for a jummah prayer?"

WOW - you are really really stupid. A thought salad worthy of Bible Spice (Sarah Palin)

Run along now - some of the other patients want to play with the computer
I get the distinct impression that you're not open to any views but your own, but I'll bite...

I've not heard this news, but no, I would not have any problem with "20,000 Muslims showing up at the DNC for a jummah prayer." Why should I? And why should you? They're as free to practice their religion as you are to practice yours. You should not even attempt to argue this point. It is the law and it is part of the foundation of our great country.

I understand how women are treated in many other cultures. If they choose to be a part of that culture, who are we to stop them? Do you realize that some religions cut the foreskin off of men's penises?! THE HORROR! In this country, we're free to practice or to NOT practice any religion we want.

The Democrats are reminding the world that America is open to people of all faiths and ethnicities, as it has always been and as was the basis of this country from the very beginning. The "FORK YOU IF YOU'RE DIFFERENT" attitudes of people like you has given us a terrible reputation the whole world over. The world needs a reminding that this country is still the home of Freedom and Liberty for ALL.

"Islamic Masters"? Puh-lease. Sharia law replacing the Bill of Rights? Now you're just sounding paranoid. Straight up retarded? Now you're just sounding uneducated.

I cannot speak for every American, but I can vote with my brain and with my heart. I think most Americans can, too. I'm not at all religious, but I have faith in my fellow countrymen.