So Christians have a problem with Muhammad but have no problem with


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Prophets Moses and Joshua? Moses and Joshua killed infants, women and children whilst Muhammad forbid the killing of them and also forbid the use of forcing women into marriage or making slaves for life such as in the OT it says that especially girls could become slaves for life whilst Muhammad set free many slaves.
Muhammad only married one girl! (the rest much older women) and his life did not revolve around sex, money or fame
Muhammad had sexual intercourse with little girls

the prophets Moses and Joshua did not do such a disgraceful thing

god told Moses and Joshua to wipe out evil nations
They repeat the fashionable memes, and hate who they're told to hate.
Sheeple follow, it's what sheeple do, Christian, or atheist.
You really don't know that much about Muhammad do you?

you say he he forbid use of making slaves for life??? he owned slaves, he slept with his own slaves. you don't know about Maria the coptic? was a slave he slept with her behind his wives and bear to him a child who died. he also enslaved Safia , the wife of Jewish leader who he killed and enslaved his wives. according to some Hadith in Bukhari, he slept with her in the same day without the waiting period Islam insist on women to wait after husband death. Islam enslaved so many people.

I'm an atheist, sure Christianity have its share, but the problem bigger with Islam, as Muslims revere Muhammad so much that no one can draw him or criticize him or anything without getting death threats. and they tell us Muhammad is the lord of creatures and perfect morally.
Fascinating. ... If the contents of this Question are indeed True, then all of Islam becomes a Lie, & each based upon the other. ....... I would suggest that the Asker re reads the Koran carefully, & then re posts this question.:::::::: EDIT :::::: IF, Instead of restricting your study to that of the Holy Bible or the Koran , you would do well to study "Demonology" as well. ... It is a subject which does not have religious boundaries & affects them all in quite the same way. ...... If you do bother to make an in depth study of 'Demonology', you will discover the name of Muhammed as being one of the main Demons. You will also discover that he is the head of a religion in the east.
This is a short list of things, much, much more.

Moses and Joshua were directed by God to do what He said,
and there are reasons for this.

If you want to know you can research this.

But you don't want to know.

You don't want to know this.

You want to believe what you believe and run down Christianity.

I have LOTS more material for you on this system.

Mohammad had ZERO level of tolerance for other faiths that is why Mecca and Medina which was once occupied by non muslims has become entirely muslim after the advent of Islam.

Mohammad killed many people some of whose names are:

Assassination of Musaylimah :Abu Dawud 38:4348

Assassination of `Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul al-`Aufi: Sahih Bukhari 5:59:462

Assassination of Abu `Afak : Ibn Ishaq p. 675 / 995.

Assassination of Abu Rafi’ (Sallam Ibn Abu'l-Huqayq) : Sahih Bukhari 5:59:369

Assassination of Ka’b bin Ashraf : Sahih Bukhari 3:45:687

Murder of `Asma' Bint Marwan : Ishaq 676

The Killing of the Chieftain of Dumah : Al-Tabari vol.9 p.58-59

Assassination of Khalid b. Sufyan : Abu Dawud 1:1244

The Killing of Khubaib : Sahih Bukhari 4:52:281

The Torture and Murder of Kinanah b. al-Rabi b. al-Huqyaq : Tabari vol. 8, p.123

The Killing of Umaiya bin Khalaf Abi Safwan : Sahih Bukhari 4:56:826

The Murder of `Uqba bin Abi Mu`ayt : Ishaq 308, See Also Tabari IX:121

The Killing of Yusayr b. Rizam : Al-Tabari vol.9 p.120

The Slaughter of the Ten Meccans : Tabari VIII 181

Murder of Habbar Ibn al-Aswad b. Ka`b al-`Ansi : Sahih Bukhari 5:59:662

Murder of al-Huwayrith Nuqaydh Wahb Qusayy : Ishaq 551

The Murder of Abdullah Khatal of B. Taym b. Ghalib and his Slaves : Sahih Bukhari 3:29:72

The Murder of Miqyas Hubaba : Sirat Page 551

There is no difference between the Taliban and Mohammad as the taliban are ardent followers of Mohammad.
It's mainly because Muhammad actually contradicts their belief in jesus. Both are supposed to be the messiah. Moses and Joshua were only prophets. What any of them did isn't really a factor.