SNP Wins Landslide Victory!

Ah yes because in Scotland we're all hill farmers chasing sheep around all day right And yes please don't forget Barr's Irn-Bru. The original and best! As for Whisky. It's a pretty big earner for Scotland and the UK.

Scottish Oil fields only have 50 years left in them? Funny thing is, Scotland was being told it's oil would only last another 50 years at best, 30 years ago! Another interesting thing about these oil fields that are desperately low and about to run out. Apparently the Westminster government were so concerned about this matter when devolution was granted, they decided it would be better to annex a huge portion of Scotland's oil producing portion of the North Sea and reassign it to English jurisdiction.

Reading the news isn't education. Most of what is in the news is propaganda. The tax applied to Oil is actually Excise Duty. Which is applied to the refined product. That's the fuel or oil that leaves the refinery. The dominant oil refinery in the UK is Grangemouth. Which is in Scotland.

After oil and whisky Scotland has wind and wave energy production in abundance. So much of it in fact National Grid actually paid us more to turn off our wind farms than they pay for the power they produce because the national grid couldn't cope with the level of production. Scotland is also an IT and services hub. We build computers and provide call centre services to support computer users. It's an education hub. Students from all over the world come to Scotland for an education. Including a whole load of English students. All of whom pay of course.

If you want to insist that people get themselves educated then please educate yourself in the true nature of the Scottish economy before crying about how much money Scotland gets and how unfair it is.

Oh by the way. The Student Loans Company is based in Scotland.
In response to this I think only my previous quote needs to be posted.

'Since the Scottish Parliament was created in 1999, public spending has outstripped tax generated there by 45 per cent.'

Get it?
Also you ingored the point about discrimination against certain citizens based on nationality being wrong. Can I take it that you agree with me that this is wrong?
No. I work for a living and pay my tax and choose to live in a country where I reap the benefits of paying tax. The figures you're quoting don't take into account the "reserved" items the UK treasury refuses to count as "Scottish". Because if they did so the numbers would look quite different.

I mean seriously. If excise duty is applied to a refined product produced in Scotland then why not count it as Scottish? It makes no sense unless there is something to hide. Seriously go and educate your self before bitching about how unfair your life is. Labour intended roll devolution out to the whole of the UK and the English turned it down.

The English voted in a ConDem coalition government and now you want to complain? You're getting what you voted for. Why be angry at Scotland? Scotland isn't raising your tuition fees to £9000. The UK government did that.
No. Any time I spend a Scottish pound in England it's scrutinised and often rejected. You want to start with the whole discrimination thing?
How about you post some evidence for your argument and I will read them. I'm open to information. I doubt the hidden contribution you're talking about cover the HUGE 45% difference in your spending and tax revenue. However if you have some evidence of this feel free to post it.

ALso it's not about choosing to live in a country, if I choose to go live in Scotland now I'm still going to be discriminated against for being English.

Also I assume you're refering to the referendum in North West England in 2002. First of all the NW doesn't represent the whole of England and secondly that was back in 2002 before it became blindingly apparant how one sided the relationship between Scotland and England was to become in the U.K.

Also if you must coax it out of me I voted Liberal Democrats who had it in their manisfesto they would not raise tuition fees. But that's not even the point. Even before that you get it for free and we had to pay.

Trust me I'm equally angry at Westminister.

If you want independence then take it, nothing can stop you now. Except the fact that most the Scotts know they are making a nice profit out of being in the U.K. so will vote no in a referendum.
Yeah try and make a joke out of it. You might not find it so funny if you had to be in debt for twenty years because you happen to be born further south of somone else in your nation state.

We're not equal citizens in the U.K. not by a long shot and the fact you can't see that it is wrong just because you're the one bennefitting is pathetic. It nicely illustrates how greed and selfishness takes priority over morality in human nature.
Scotland had no choice, its illegal to vote for inbred rich toff tories, Labour only care about junkies, benefit cheats and the super rich and who the frak are the lib dems? And if Scotland,Ireland and Wales are not seen by the English as equal UK partners, then at least the English( I mean London) have given reason for us to want to go it alone. Scotland has no problem being equal Partners, but nothing more or less. Also like north England, Scotlands problem is LONDON, not ENGLAND; just like most of the world
Prove the hidden revenue? Where else do oil companies pay their excise duty to other than the treasury?

Greed and selfish? No. It's politics. Scotland has simply played the game better. A UK government set up the Scottish Parliament. A UK government set up the funding formula. Why does that equate to the English being angry at Scotland? Scotland simply took what it was given and made the best of it it could. And it's worked out rather well.

And just what joke was I making? Any time I go to England the first thing I have to do is find a bank and make sure I get some "Bank of England" bank notes. Otherwise I face the humiliation of not being able to pay for anything because the English don't accept Scottish money as legal tender. Even though it is. That's no joke. Neither is being described as foreign simply because your from Scotland. It makes travelling to England a whole unpleasant experience for anybody north of the border.
Are the English here saying its Expected for Scots to Except English money and no problem refusing Scottish in England?
At least I have you admitting you're bennefitting now. Still the point remains you're happy for the discrimination to continue (you won't say you agree with it, neither will you condemn it) as long as you benefit.

I would quite happily accept that for a free university education, so I could afford a deposit on a house as opposed to being in debt until I'm thirty. Also you're exagerating with the foreign remarks and Scottish money is accepted eveywhere, even if there is a brief moment of confusion. Seems a small price to pay for the huge ammounts of benefits you get.

I would point out the fact that if you're English and wonder around in certain streets in Glasgow you're likely to face some problems, but no English people migrate to SCotland, it normally seems to be the other way round for some reason.

You don't have a leg to stand on you greedy Scotsman. We all know what it's really about, punishing the English for dominating the British Isles.
Obviously somone didn't grasp the opportunity of free uni. education.

I'm not trying to comment on the money situation at all as it's irrelevant. Scottish money is accepted in England. Aki is saying that people giving his money a funny look in England justifies Scottish people getting 37% more spent on them per head than the English.

I think he's wrong.
Please do. Tired of the Scottish leaching of us and at the same time acting like they're being forced to stay in the Union, You formed the Union, now please end it. The SNP have a majority, you can leave whenever you want. Except most Scotts know they benefit from it and will vote no in a referendum. No doubt they will continue to play the victim though.
I don't see you holding back. You're angry at Scotland for a situation you voted for. You gifted us the wonderful ConDem government that's hell bent on privatising everything. Just what exactly did you think you were going to get when you voted that lot in? Or did you not bother to vote? Where you one of the students who waited until the last minute and then couldn't vote because the polling station was closed?

I benefit because I bother to vote and work for a living and pay my taxes. I benefit because I'm involved and not a simple bystander watching all my public services being sold off in a race to the bottom.

Here's a reality check for you. Most people in Scotland can't afford a deposit on a house. It's not just you poor students.

LMAO no English migrate to Scotland? Then how can they be jumped down a back ally in Glasgow? Anybody wandering down the wrong street in Glasgow will get lynched. We don't discriminate on who we rob. Anybodies money is welcome

LMAO! Scotland leaving the union is about punishing the English? Please explain this logic. I mean you have already wrecked what was a perfectly civil discussion about the Scottish election results. I suppose this can't make it any worse.
I imagine the Scottish are equally annoyed at having the English leaching off their oil royalties.

I wonder how many regions of England have higher public spending than tax revenues?

...and Northern Ireland has much higher per capita spending than Scotland, yet there is no suggestion that we should give Ulster back to the south.

As has been said, Westminster (that's in London, Axelator) decides funding matters. It is not leaching or scrounging to accept what it being freely offered.