snow snow snow

It Supposed To Snow Here.hope So.

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dayton got half shit on. we got about 4 inches then it rained and its melted/slush and supposed to get ice tonight.


20 + hours of snow. Around 5 inches and still falling

the pics were taken earlier today, hence you being able to see the grass still. I have around 5 inches now.
It's coming down here, I'm gonna take my dogs out in a bit and go raise some hell.
Fuck snow. They said slight chance of flurries and it's been snowing hard since i woke up at 8:30am. Because of this fucking snow im not going to get my 360 elite on time either. :mad:

Snowmobiling on built race sleds ftw though
We were outside, and my older pup was being a total bitch, so I kept pelting her with snowballs since she was playing too rough with our younger one. I made a snowball, acted like I threw it, and when she turned I hit her right in her ass, she was terrified.
No, but then again I'm not a total bitch to my younger bro when we're in the snow lol. She plays too rough.