Smoking Crack vs. Snorting Powder Cocaine (from people that have done


New member
Dec 20, 2008
both): which is worse? I did coke for over a year. Every single day at least 1 gram of some of the purest shit.

I got high as hell, I enjoyed it, it was my drug of choice.

I didn't feel physically addicted, I didn't do crazy things (ROBBERIES, PROSTITUTION, ETC.) to get my fix...I lived a normal life and lived with my brother and parents who saw me every single day. They didn't have the slightest clue.

I snorted to the point where PERMANENTLY I had a runny nose....I blew into my nose with a tissue over 10 times a day....I slept with tissue STUFFED into my nose to prevent the running AND BLEEDING....

I seriously contemplated both cigarettes and cocaine and in my opinion nicotine was worse....As long as I didn't do a line for the day, I was perfectly fine. When I did my first line I pretty much wanted to do more and more....But it wasn't like I was ready to do anything bad over a line....Just saying if I DID NOT DO A LINE I would have no problem quitting or not doing anything that day...

Point being I NEVER HAVE DONE CRACK in my life. From my observations they are prostitutes, fiends, insane lunatics that will rob and steal to get a few dollars together to buy a rock..

IT IS A POOR MANS DRUG and a bottom of the food chain drug...You CAN COMPLETELY TELL A CRACK HEAD...They are scum...TRASH....GARBAGE...

Now a coke head (person that does coke daily) can function...Maybe they are rich? Maybe they are a celebrity? It is a RICH MANS DRUG...

Completely different than crack fiend cocaine...

What do you know about the 2 drugs? I know crack is produced from cocaine....But are they different in any way? Is one worse? Is one more addicting? Is one more frowned upon?

Please explain as I have a friend that thinks they are THE EXACT SAME THING!!! NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER!!!

Pisses me off as I used to be a coke head for a year or so....No addiction...Enjoyed it....Dealt with life....Etc...Etc....Was costly and killed my bank account but was SOOOOO different from crack...

Was I basically a crack head?

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