Smack the Pingu (game)

After way too much time, 557.6

My younger brother got 569.5 on his first try

Must stop!

EDIT: got to 593.5 [rant]can't break 600 [/rant]

Good to see i'm not the only person that played it for more then 10 mins )
Wow, I couldn't believe that link when you posted it. I've been playing this game for awhile at but the power behind the swing is much less. Thanks for the twist.
enough of who can hit the poor penguin the furthest, who can hit him the shortest distance? this is far more challenging!
zero dosent count. my shortest distance is 140.2
anyone skilled enough to clip the little begger a shorter distance?
596.5 and my lowest score was a 0. I just wasted 15 min. of my life that i could of spent on t.v. or videogames or something else that i can apply to real life